It is almost a natural law that over a given period of time,the Forex markets will allow you to make only so much money and then you are going to have to start giving some back. Yet, probably no more than 1% of all Forex traders I know have a rule to take profits out of their account.(However, they are quick to deposit money into their accounts when funds drop to untradable levels).
You cannot believe how often I see traders leaving profits in their accounts and then go for the “big trade” – the one that will give them a real “killing,” which usually kills their profits.This problem can be overcome by predetermining an equity level at which you will remove profits from your account.When you make profits in the Forex markets, take some money out and put it somewhere else. Your trading will move in cycles. You will make some, lose some, make some,and lose some. By taking money out of your account whenyou are profitable, you will not make the mistake of losing larger amounts of money when a down cycle occurs.
To your online trading success