Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This a blueprint for making over 300% pure profits annually. Have you ever sat down to ask yourself WHY in the first place you want to trade Forex, if you are contemplating joining the forex market or WHY are you trading forex,if you are already a forex trader. The flux of people in and out of the Forex market in the past few years has been alarming. Many came, saw and where conquered, this is really sad but it’s the truth. Many hopes have been dashed not because Forex trading have ceased to be what its supposed to be, NO! .But because some have failed to do what they ought to do, besides thinking it is a get-rich quick scheme.
I will e reveling the secrets that will change your trades and will put you on the path to endless forex riches. The secret is very simple but I will advise you work it along as you read this lines. Firstly write down the reasons why you want to trade Forex. How many why’s have you written down 1, 2 7, 10? Please take this exercise seriously. You why may take this format
1. I want to be financially free
2. I want to become discipline
3. I want to conquer my fears
4. I want to be a leader that delivers great results
5. I want to provide adequately for my family and dependants
6. I want to give money to the cause I support
7. I want to increase my net worth by 1000%
8. I want to become more logical in my decision making
9. I want to associate with successful and influential people in the society
10. I want to build business with a strong financial base.
Your why list may look similar or different from the above, But I want you to go over the list again and pick any one that is most important to you and is certain to change your life. For instance as a forex trader becoming disciplined is very crucial to making lasting profits. The reason I picked discipline among the lot is not far fetched, you need to be consistent with your trading plan and also reach your trading goals, each month and through the year. What’s your trading discipline like? It doesn’t matter how small, can you beat your chest that you will consistently make 400pips with 10% exposure and 1% to 3% risk each month? This is where discipline begins.
Assuming you get started with $3000 as trading capital, maintaining a discipline approach of exposing only 10% of the account total per trade you will end up trading 0.3 volume or 3 mini lots per trade, your stop loss will be also be a maximum of $90 per trade. What this implies is that you have to look at a risk area that affords you the luxury of placing stop loss at a maximum of 30 pips where 1 pip equals $3,with a reward of 60 pips from such trade to achieve a risk-reward minimum of 1:2.Now if I can risk this much and the trade does not have the potential of 60pips,then a discipline mindset will instruct me to avoid the trade and look further for better opportunities.
This might reduce the number of trades you take per day as well as minimize your risks and losses. Assuming you spot a good trade and you take just 1 trade per day and you gain 60pips daily. Using $3 as your multiplier;60*$3=$180 per day, if this is consistently done you will have 300pips per month (there might be days you wont find good trading opportunities since your disciplined mind will guide you always to great opportunities) and by the 7th trading day which might be in the 2nd week you will have about 420pips.With this result a disciplined mindset will tell you to stop trading as any further trading will be tantamount to over trading. Now multiply $400pips by $3 for every month, you will have $1200 each month, this is over 300% pure profits. Investing more will mean bigger profits and ROI afterwards.
Think of what this will do to your trading career as you become a disciplined trader who sets goals and sticks to the goals until you achieve them.
1. You have created a system that will generate enough money to give you financial freedom over the next few years.
2. Your confidence will suddenly soar as you now know that you can achieve a trading feat which over 95% of traders struggle but cannot achieve year in year out.
3. You will join the elite group of consistent profitable traders.
4. You would have conquered your fears that may have been keeping you back
5. You can now start building your net worth with the professional guide of a financial planner
6. You can now give happily to your favorite course since you now know how to make the money
7. You can as well start building other business around your trading skill until the business can operate successfully with greater profits without you being physically involved in it.
8. Your family can now be a happy one financially
9. Becoming disciplined as a trader also helps you apply logic in your decision making process rather making emotion-based decisions.
Stevens Adeola Salami
The quest for the "Holy Grail" perfect trading system among forex traders around the world has turned forex trading into a money drainer rather than money maker for a great many people. The main purpose on this topic is to bring to the knowledge of millions of traders, one of the most important ingredients every trader must have to survive in this very market .After reading this piece your endless search for the best trading system in the forex market will come to an end. I will be giving you clues that will sustain you for the rest of your trading career without you loosing your shirt or house.
As you read i am sure you are very eager to learn and master the trading system that has been adjudged by every seasoned professional trader as the best in the world. It beats my imagination how a lot of people jump into forex trading without it, expecting to survive the ups and downs in the market. Little wonder so many have gone hidden because they violated this rules and where not able to use the power of this great tool.
Truth is no matter you profession, no matter your calling or the kind of strategy you want to apply, you will make no headway without this powerful weapon. You may even be aware of this potent strategy but failed to recognize it, but I want to assure you that you make up your mind to start using this powerful tool, you will sooner or later be converting all loosing trades to unimaginable profits. Now lets get it proper
You must have heard it said several times over, "plan your trade, trade your plan". Unfortunately this is what all most traders know and nothing more. Its about using a good trading plan, and not many know how to even stick to its components.
A trading plan is a trader's guide or roadmap to the successful accomplishment of his trading dreams without it you are lost in the market.
Just two reasons for having a good trading plan will do here: First it keeps you in the right direction and seconds, trading is business and all successful business always have plans.
There are basically six components of a descent trading plan. The following are the checklist:
1. Your trading goal
2. Your mindset
3. Your weakness
4. Your trading routine
5. Your trading system
Your trading journal
EACH OF THE ABOVE components is very vital to your trading success. Develop them and half the job is done, develop the discipline to follow your plan and your success in trading is guaranteed.
To your online trading success- D cybertycoon
Stevens Adeola Salami
Friday, July 24, 2009
Majority of traders employ different strategies and systems to trade,like the Fundamental and Technical trading methods.Not withstanding you need a consistent trading strategy that suites you regularly and at the same time pumps money into your account non-stop.This is the reason for this blog.
We will be sharing together the strategies needed to perform and also improve better in your trades,tips,advice and success capsules to back you up in your trades.I can assure you your trades and trading account will grow from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.All you need do is stay hooked to this blog and you will be glad you did.
We will together build a formidable and successful network of Forex traders world wide.Once again welcome to the largest Forex trading network on planet earth.
To your online forex trading success,
Cyber tycoon